KEPServerEX® and ST Engineering Data Diode
Keeping OT & IT Network Cyber Secure
Integration Benefits
- Ensures unidirectional (physical layer one-way) data transfer to protect critical OT systems.
- Supports all OPC UA built-in data types.
- Configures with KEPServerEX Automatic Tag Creation.
- Real-time without data loss:
- Real-time value update based on subscription
- Periodically queries of every monitored node’s values with re-transmit to ensure no loss
- Broad range device integration with more than 150 device drivers, client drivers, and advanced plug-ins

Some Key Features of ST Engineering Data Diode
Information Assurance by Design
- Ensures no data leakage. Separate power supply to mitigate against side-channel attacks
- Certified under Common Criteria (CC EAL4+) and NITES by CSA.
High Throughput and Robust Performance
- Files lost detection capability.
- Configurable for High Availability.
Ease of System Integration and Customisation
- Supports an array of IT, IoT and ICS/SCADA networking protocols for system integration and interoperability.
Compact Design
- Allows all functionalities to be encapsulated within a compact footprint.